The bare root season starts every year in late October, early November, subject to weather conditions. This is the perfect time to plant a new native hedgerow or plant native trees at reasonable, affordable prices.
Native hedgerows are usually planted as a double row, 5 per metre stagggered, with the introduction of a native tree every 5 metres.
It is also a great time to plant up any screening that might need to be done to hide unsightly views, buildings, etc. Again this can be achieved by planting up bare root whips and standard trees.
The difference between a bare root tree and a container grown tree is that the bare root tree is lifted directly from the ground whilst dormant and delivered immediately. The root is placed in a black protection bag for delivery to protect the roots. Whereas a container grown tree has spent all its life in a pot, potted on as it grows into larger containers. These can be planted all year round but are a more expensive option.
The Autumn and Winter time is also a good time to plant rootball hedging such as Taxus baccata (Yew), Prunus rotundifolia (Laurel). Rootballed means that the roots are lifted with the soil attached direct from the field and wrapped in biodegradeable sacking and wire basket. You drop the whole lot into the ground - you must not remove the sacking or wire. Again these are a cheaper option that container grown hedging.
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