Monday, 19 May 2014

Garden re-vamp

The weather is finally warming up and everything in the garden is growing nicely, perhaps the weeds are growing too nicely!  The garden now needs our constant attention to keep it looking at its best.  Regular pruning and weeding done now will reap dividends throughout the summer months.  Grass should also be mown regularly and given a "weed and feed" treatment to keep it looking lush all summer.
You have probably been looking forward to this time of year all winter and are now perhaps experiencing some despair that you have not got enough hours in the day to cope with a busy lifestyle and the additional work that now needs to be done in the garden.  The thought of having a BBQ with uncut grass and a garden full of weeds and hedges left untrimmed is a depressing thought!
Most gardens can be "licked into shape" quite quickly if caught at the right time and if you find that you would welcome additional help, or an extra pair of hands, to get on top of the job then we can help.  Act now and you will reap the benefits all summer long.
Thurlow Plants do offer a service, for a competitive fee, so just give me a call or send me an email and together we can discuss the problem and come up with a solution.